Turkey Giveaway Ideas: How to Make Your Thanksgiving Charitable and Memorable?

Thanksgiving is not only about feasts and festivities but also a time to give back to our communities and bring joy to those in need. One way to do this is by organizing a turkey giveaway event, where you can offer a turkey to those who cannot afford one. Not only will it bring happiness to others, but it will also bring your community together. Read on for some unique and exciting turkey giveaway ideas that will make your Thanksgiving charitable and memorable.

Why Should You Organize a Turkey Giveaway?

Thanksgiving is a time of celebration, gratitude, and generosity. By organizing a turkey giveaway event, you can give back to your community and help those in need. Many people cannot afford a turkey dinner, and your turkey giveaway can bring them joy and hope. It is an excellent opportunity to foster community spirit and show your gratitude for your blessings.

Moreover, organizing a turkey giveaway can help your business or organization stand out in the community. It is an opportunity to showcase your values, promote your brand, and build goodwill with potential customers. It can also generate positive media coverage and publicity for your business or organization.

How to Organize a Turkey Giveaway?

Organizing a turkey giveaway may seem overwhelming, but with some planning and preparation, it can be a smooth and successful event. Here are some steps you can follow:

Step 1: Set Your Goals

Before you start organizing your turkey giveaway, you need to define your goals. What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to help? How many turkeys do you want to give away? Answering these questions will help you determine your budget, resources, and strategy.

Step 2: Find a Location and Partner

You need to find a location to distribute the turkeys and a partner to help you with the event logistics. You can partner with a local charity, food bank, church, or community center. They can help you identify the families and individuals who need the turkeys the most and provide volunteers to assist you. You can also approach local businesses for sponsorship or donations.

Step 3: Plan Your Outreach Strategy

If you want your turkey giveaway to be a success, you need to spread the word effectively. You can use social media, flyers, posters, emails, and newsletters to promote your event. Make sure your messaging is clear and concise, and your branding is consistent. You can also consider partnering with local media outlets to share your story.

Step 4: Arrange for Turkey Delivery and Storage

You need to arrange for turkey delivery and storage to ensure that everything runs smoothly. You can order frozen turkeys in advance and store them in a refrigerated truck or cooler. You can also consider partnering with a local grocery store or supplier for discounts or donations.

Step 5: Recruit Volunteers

You need to recruit volunteers to help you with the event logistics, such as turkey distribution, traffic control, crowd management, and cleanup. You can approach local schools, churches, and organizations for volunteers. Make sure you provide them with clear instructions, training, and safety measures.

Step 6: Schedule Your Event

You need to schedule your turkey giveaway event according to your goals, outreach strategy, and partner availability. You can choose a date and time that works for your target audience and create a plan for any contingencies.

Step 7: Execute Your Plan

You need to execute your plan with precision and care. Make sure you have all the necessary permits, licenses, and insurance. Assign roles and responsibilities to your team members and volunteers. Follow safety protocols, such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand sanitizing. Be prepared to handle any issues or emergencies.

What Are Some Unique Turkey Giveaway Ideas?

If you want to make your turkey giveaway event stand out, you need to be creative and innovative. Here are some unique turkey giveaway ideas that will inspire you:

1. Turkey Drive-Thru

Organize a drive-thru turkey giveaway event, where people can pick up their turkeys without leaving their cars. It is a convenient and safe option that can save time and hassle.

2. Turkey Bingo

Host a turkey bingo game, where people can win a turkey as a prize. It is a fun and interactive way to engage your audience and build excitement.

3. Turkey Raffle

Organize a turkey raffle, where people can buy tickets for a chance to win a turkey. It is a great way to raise funds for your event and involve the community.

4. Turkey Recipe Contest

Organize a turkey recipe contest, where people can submit their favorite turkey recipes for a chance to win a turkey. It is a creative and tasty way to celebrate Thanksgiving.

5. Turkey Trot

Host a turkey trot race, where people can run or walk for a good cause. They can donate money or food items to participate, and the winners can receive a turkey or other prizes.

6. Turkey Craft Fair

Organize a turkey craft fair, where people can buy or sell handmade turkey-themed items. It is a festive and artistic way to showcase local talent and support small businesses.

7. Turkey Trivia

Host a turkey trivia game, where people can test their knowledge of Thanksgiving and win a turkey as a prize. It is a fun and educational way to bring people together.

Turkey Giveaway Table

Item Description
Date and Time Choose a date and time that works for your target audience and partner availability.
Location Find a suitable location to distribute the turkeys, such as a parking lot, community center, or church.
Partner Identify a partner organization that can help you with the event logistics and outreach, such as a charity, food bank, or church.
Budget Determine your budget for buying the turkeys, arranging for delivery and storage, and hiring staff or volunteers.
Outreach Strategy Develop an effective outreach strategy to promote your event and attract your target audience, such as social media, flyers, posters, emails, and newsletters.
Volunteers Recruit volunteers to help you with the event logistics, such as turkey distribution, traffic control, crowd management, and cleanup.
Safety Measures Ensure that you follow safety protocols, such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand sanitizing, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


1. How can I find families and individuals who need the turkeys?

You can partner with local charities, food banks, churches, or community centers that have a network of people in need. They can help you identify the families and individuals who need the turkeys the most and provide you with volunteers to assist you.

2. Can I ask for donations or sponsorships to fund my turkey giveaway?

Yes, you can reach out to local businesses, foundations, or individuals who may be interested in supporting your cause. You can offer them branding and recognition in exchange for their donations or sponsorships.

3. Can I organize a turkey giveaway on a limited budget?

Yes, you can buy frozen turkeys in bulk or negotiate discounts with local suppliers to reduce your costs. You can also recruit volunteers to help you with the event logistics instead of hiring staff. However, make sure you allocate enough funds for marketing and outreach to attract your target audience.

4. How can I ensure that my turkey giveaway is safe and COVID-19 compliant?

You need to follow the guidelines and regulations set by your local health authority and government. You can implement safety protocols such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand sanitizing. You can also limit the number of people who can attend your event and create a plan for any contingencies.

5. How can I make my turkey giveaway event memorable?

You can organize unique activities such as turkey bingo, turkey raffle, or turkey recipe contest to engage your audience and build excitement. You can also create a festive and welcoming atmosphere by decorating your location, playing music, and offering refreshments. Don’t forget to thank your volunteers, partners, and donors for their support.

6. How can I measure the success of my turkey giveaway?

You can track your key performance indicators such as the number of turkeys given away, the number of people reached, the amount of funds raised, or the media coverage generated. You can also ask for feedback from your audience and analyze their responses to improve your future events.

7. Can I organize a turkey giveaway outside of Thanksgiving?

Yes, you can organize a turkey giveaway at any time of the year, depending on the needs of your community. For example, you can organize a turkey giveaway during Christmas, Easter, or any other holiday season. You can also organize a turkey giveaway as part of your corporate social responsibility program to demonstrate your commitment to social causes.


Organizing a turkey giveaway event can bring joy and hope to those in need, while also fostering community spirit and promoting your brand or organization. By following the steps and ideas outlined in this article, you can make your Thanksgiving charitable and memorable. Remember to set your goals, find a partner, plan your outreach, arrange for delivery and storage, recruit volunteers, and execute your plan with care. Don’t forget to be creative and innovative by hosting unique activities and making your event festive and welcoming. Let’s all work together to make this Thanksgiving a time of gratitude and generosity!


The information and suggestions provided in this article are for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice. The author and publisher are not liable for any damages or losses arising from any action taken based on the information provided.