Lularoe Facebook Giveaway Ideas: Boost Your Engagement and Sales


Greetings, fellow Lularoe enthusiasts! Are you looking for creative ways to boost your brand’s engagement and sales on Facebook? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll be sharing some amazing Lularoe Facebook giveaway ideas that will not only increase your followers but also drive traffic to your website and ultimately boost your sales. So, let’s dive in!

Why Facebook Giveaways?

Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social media platform today, with over 2.8 billion active users. For businesses, it’s a goldmine to reach target consumers since they spend a considerable amount of time scrolling through their news feed. Facebook giveaways are an excellent way to attract new customers, reward loyal followers, and build brand awareness. It’s also a great way to collect user-generated content (UGC) that can be used in future marketing campaigns.

Benefits of Hosting Lularoe Facebook Giveaways

1. Increased Engagement: Giveaways are a fun and interactive way to increase engagement on your Facebook page. Followers are more likely to like, comment, and share your posts when there’s an incentive involved.

2. Attract New Customers: Giveaways are an excellent way to reach new audiences who might not be aware of your brand yet.

3. Collect User-Generated Content: Hosting a Lularoe giveaway can help you collect UGC that you can repurpose and use in future marketing campaigns.

4. Boost Sales: Offering Lularoe products as prizes can entice potential customers to make a purchase, especially if they’ve been eyeing a particular item for a while.

5. Build Brand Awareness: Giveaways can help increase your brand’s visibility and recognition on Facebook and beyond.

6. Reward Loyal Customers: Show your appreciation to your loyal customers by offering exclusive giveaways that are only available to them.

7. Create a Buzz: Giveaways generate excitement and anticipation, which can create a buzz around your brand and products.

7 Lularoe Facebook Giveaway Ideas

Now that we’ve talked about why Facebook giveaways are worth your time and effort let’s explore some Lularoe giveaway ideas that will attract and engage your followers.

1. Lularoe Outfit Giveaway

Engage your followers by offering a complete Lularoe outfit as a prize. You can feature a specific clothing item and have participants style it with their favorite accessories. This way, you can showcase your collection while also encouraging user-generated content.

2. Mystery Box Giveaway

Create a buzz around your brand by hosting a mystery box giveaway. You can offer a Lularoe mystery box with a curated selection of clothing items or accessories. This is a great way to entice participants to take part in the giveaway.

3. Lularoe VIP Shopping Spree

Reward your loyal customers by hosting a VIP shopping spree giveaway. Offer a chance to win a personalized shopping experience or a personal styling session with you or your consultants at your Lularoe boutique.

4. Lularoe Charity Giveaway

Do good while also promoting your brand by hosting Lularoe charity giveaway. Donate a portion of your sales or a specific product to a charitable cause and offer participants a chance to win a prize. This will not only generate goodwill but also increase your brand’s visibility and recognition.

5. Lularoe Instagram Challenge

Boost your Instagram following while also increasing engagement on your Facebook page by hosting a Lularoe Instagram challenge. Participants can share their Lularoe outfits on Instagram, tag your page, and use a specific hashtag. Offer prizes to the most creative or popular posts.

6. Lularoe Virtual Party

Host a virtual party on Facebook and offer exclusive discounts and prizes to participants who make a purchase during the event. This is a great way to generate sales and also build community around your brand.

7. Lularoe Scavenger Hunt

Create a fun and interactive experience for your followers by hosting a Lularoe scavenger hunt. Hide clues around your website or Facebook page, and offer a prize to the first person who solves the puzzle. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website and increase engagement on your Facebook page.

Table: Lularoe Facebook Giveaway Ideas

Giveaway Idea Description Target Audience Prize
Lularoe Outfit Giveaway Offer a complete Lularoe outfit as a prize and encourage user-generated content. Female customers who love Lularoe clothing. A complete Lularoe outfit (top, bottom, or dress).
Mystery Box Giveaway Offer a mystery box with a curated selection of Lularoe clothing items or accessories. Anyone who loves Lularoe clothing and is curious about the mystery box. A Lularoe mystery box.
Lularoe VIP Shopping Spree Reward loyal customers with a personalized shopping experience or a personal styling session. Loyal Lularoe customers. A VIP shopping experience or personal styling session with you or your consultants.
Lularoe Charity Giveaway Donate a portion of your sales or a specific product to a charitable cause and offer participants a chance to win a prize. Anyone who loves Lularoe clothing and cares about social causes. A Lularoe product or a portion of your sales donated to a charitable cause.
Lularoe Instagram Challenge Encourage participants to share their Lularoe outfits on Instagram, tag your page, and use a specific hashtag. Anyone who loves Lularoe clothing and is active on Instagram. A Lularoe product or prizes for the most creative or popular posts.
Lularoe Virtual Party Create a virtual party on Facebook and offer exclusive discounts and prizes to participants who make a purchase during the event. Anyone who loves Lularoe clothing and is comfortable shopping online. Exclusive discounts or prizes for those who make a purchase during the virtual party.
Lularoe Scavenger Hunt Hide clues around your website or Facebook page, and offer a prize to the first person who solves the puzzle. Anyone who loves Lularoe clothing and enjoys solving puzzles. A Lularoe product or a mystery prize.


1. Are Facebook giveaways worth it?

Yes, Facebook giveaways are an excellent way to engage your followers, attract new customers, collect user-generated content, boost sales, and build brand awareness.

2. How can I create a successful Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can create a successful Lularoe Facebook giveaway by choosing a relevant prize, setting clear rules, promoting the giveaway across all your social media channels, and following up with participants after the giveaway.

3. How often should I host Facebook giveaways?

You should host Facebook giveaways regularly, but not too frequently that it loses its excitement. A giveaway every few weeks or once a month is a good frequency.

4. What prizes should I offer for my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You should offer relevant and desirable Lularoe products, experiences, or discounts as prizes. Examples include complete outfits, mystery boxes, VIP shopping sprees, charity donations, Instagram challenges, virtual parties, and scavenger hunts.

5. How can I increase engagement during my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can increase engagement during your Lularoe Facebook giveaway by setting clear rules, promoting the giveaway on all your social media channels, using emojis, creating urgency, encouraging user-generated content, and responding to comments and messages promptly.

6. How can I measure the success of my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can measure the success of your Lularoe Facebook giveaway by tracking your engagement, reach, follower growth, website traffic, and sales during and after the giveaway.

7. How can I prevent fraud during my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can prevent fraud during your Lularoe Facebook giveaway by setting clear rules, verifying participants, using a transparent selection process, and following up with winners promptly.

8. Can I host a Lularoe giveaway on Instagram?

Yes, you can host a Lularoe giveaway on Instagram, but make sure to follow Instagram’s guidelines on promotions and giveaways.

9. How can I choose a winner for my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can choose a winner for your Lularoe Facebook giveaway by using a transparent selection process, such as a random draw or a voting system.

10. How can I follow up with participants after the Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can follow up with participants after the Lularoe Facebook giveaway by thanking them for their participation, announcing the winner publicly, and offering exclusive discounts or prizes to all participants.

11. How can I promote my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can promote your Lularoe Facebook giveaway by using social media ads, sending email newsletters, collaborating with influencers, and sharing the giveaway across all your social media channels.

12. How much should I spend on prizes for my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You should spend enough to offer attractive and relevant prizes that align with your brand’s value proposition, but also within your budget. It’s better to offer fewer but high-quality prizes than many subpar ones.

13. How can I use the user-generated content from my Lularoe Facebook giveaway?

You can use the user-generated content from your Lularoe Facebook giveaway in your marketing campaigns, such as social media posts, emails, or website galleries. Make sure to credit the creator and ask for their permission first.


Hosting Lularoe Facebook giveaways can be a fun and effective way to increase engagement, attract new customers, and boost sales. By choosing relevant and desirable prizes, setting clear rules, promoting the giveaway across all your social media channels, and following up with participants, you can create a successful Lularoe Facebook giveaway. We hope these ideas and tips will inspire you to host your own Lularoe Facebook giveaway and take your business to the next level!


Hosting giveaways on Facebook or any other social media platform requires careful planning and execution to ensure that you comply with the platform’s guidelines and policies. Make sure to review Facebook’s promotion guidelines before hosting a giveaway on the platform. Additionally, we do not guarantee any specific results or outcomes from hosting a Lularoe Facebook giveaway, as the success of the giveaway depends on various factors, including your audience, niche, and marketing strategy.