Amazing Giveaway Ideas for Trade Shows

Trade shows are fantastic opportunities to attract new customers, increase brand visibility, and network with other industry professionals. However, with so many businesses competing for attention, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. One fantastic way to grab attendee’s attention is to offer innovative and exciting giveaways. In this article, we will explore some creative and effective giveaway ideas for trade shows that will help you increase brand awareness and generate leads. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Why Are Trade Show Giveaways Important?

Trade show giveaways are essential because they help you create a lasting impression on attendees. By offering a unique giveaway, you can stand out from your competitors, and attendees are more likely to remember your brand after the event. Additionally, trade show giveaways can help you generate leads since attendees will need to provide their contact information to receive a gift. Lastly, a well-planned giveaway can help you create buzz on social media and attract more attendees to your booth.

How to Choose the Right Giveaway?

When selecting a giveaway item, it’s important to consider your target audience and their needs. You want to offer something that they will find useful and valuable, but also that reflects your brand image. Another factor to consider is the cost and feasibility of the giveaway. You don’t want to overspend on a giveaway that doesn’t have a significant return on investment.

What Are the Best Giveaway Ideas for Trade Shows?

Giveaway Idea Benefits
Custom Tote Bags Functional and reusable item that will display your logo long after the trade show ends.
Branded Power Banks Usefulness and practicality make it a popular trade show giveaway that attendees will appreciate.
Water Bottles Attendees can use these bottles during the event and beyond- making them an eco-friendly and functional giveaway.
Customized Notebooks and Pens Allow attendees to take notes and record important information about your company and services- keeping your brand top of mind after the event.
Phone Accessories Branded phone charging cords, PopSockets or phone cases are modern and valuable items that will help attendees to remember your brand long after the event.
Stress Balls A cheap and cheerful giveaway that can help your business to stand out from the competition – and is excellent for relieving everyday tension.
Customized Candy or Snacks Offering snacks or candy helps to create a warm and welcoming environment at the booth, as well as providing attendees with an excellent reason to visit your stand.

What Are Other Creative Trade Show Giveaway Ideas?

While the above mentioned are some of the most popular trade show giveaway ideas, there are other creative alternatives that can help your brand stand out from the crowd.

Virtual Reality Experiences

Virtual Reality (VR) is hot right now, and it’s an excellent way to create an unforgettable experience at your trade show stand. Use a VR headset to show off your products, services, or company in a unique and engaging way.

Reusable Straws

With the growing concern for the environment, offering a branded reusable straw is an excellent way to show that your brand is environmentally conscious. Attendees are more likely to retain and use a reusable straw- providing you with lasting exposure to your brand.

Customized Phone Charging Stations

Offering a space for attendees to charge their phone devices is an excellent way to attract them to your booth, and it’s something they’ll appreciate! Providing charging stations with your logo and brand colors gives your business a professional-looking touch that will get people talking.

Games and Challenges

Create games or challenges that are related to your brand and give them away as prizes to game winners. Not only will it attract people to your booth, but they will also associate your brand with competition and excitement!


Q. What is a giveaway?

A. A giveaway is an item or service that is being offered for free to attendees at a trade show or event.

Q. Can giveaways help generate leads?

A. Yes! By requiring attendees to provide their contact information to receive a giveaway, you can use this information to follow-up with leads after the event.

Q. How much should I spend on a giveaway?

A. It depends on your budget and the expected return on investment. It’s essential to choose a giveaway that is valuable to attendees but doesn’t break the bank.

Q. How can I ensure that my giveaway is memorable?

A. Make sure to offer something valuable and unique- something that attendees will want to keep and use after the event.

Q. Are there any restrictions on what kind of giveaway I can offer?

A. Yes, there may be some restrictions based on the event or location. Be sure to check the rules and regulations before choosing a giveaway item.

Q. How can I distribute my giveaways to attendees?

A. You can distribute giveaways by having a raffle contest or by requiring attendees to visit your booth and engage with your team.

Q. Can I use a previous year’s giveaway again?

A. Yes, you can reuse a successful giveaway from a previous year, but make sure you add some new twists or upgrades to make it fresh and exciting!

Q. Can I use a competitor’s giveaway idea?

A. While it may be tempting, it’s not a great idea to copy a competitor’s giveaway. Not only is it unethical, but it also won’t help you stand out in the crowd.

Q. Can I offer more than one giveaway item?

A. Yes, you can offer multiple giveaways, but make sure that they are all valuable and related to your brand.

Q. Should I offer a different giveaway each day?

A. Offering different giveaways each day can help keep attendees engaged and coming back to your booth throughout the event.

Q. Can giveaways help build brand awareness?

A. Yes, giveaways are an excellent way to build brand awareness since attendees will be carrying around items with your logo on them throughout the event and beyond.

Q. Can I personalize my giveaways?

A. Yes, personalizing your giveaway items with your logo, brand colors, or attendee names is an excellent way to make your business stand out from the competition.

Q. What happens to the leftover giveaways at the end of the event?

A. You can donate leftovers or give them away to employees or customers, or use them for future events.

Q. How can I measure the success of my giveaways?

A. You can measure the success of your giveaways by tracking lead generation, booth traffic, social media mentions and engagements, and overall brand exposure.


Trade show giveaways are a fantastic way to attract new customers, generate leads, and increase brand visibility. However, with so many businesses competing for attention, it’s crucial to offer unique and valuable giveaway items. By providing memorable and creative giveaways, you can help attendees remember your brand long after the event is over. So, go ahead and think outside the box – your business will thank you for it!

Remember, the giveaway item is just a part of your trade show strategy, so don’t forget to plan your booth design, marketing materials, and team personality. All of these factors contribute to making a memorable experience for attendees.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope you found it helpful in planning your next trade show. Make sure to let us know what giveaway ideas worked best for your business in the comments below!


All information in this article is for informational purposes only. The author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any actions that may be taken based on the information contained within this article. Always consult with a qualified professional for advice on specific situations.