Facebook Giveaway Ideas for November

The Best Ways to Boost Your Engagement and Sales

Greetings, fellow marketers and entrepreneurs! As we enter the month of November, we know that the holiday shopping season is just around the corner. A great way to kickstart your social media presence and attract new customers is by hosting a Facebook giveaway. This marketing strategy not only boosts your engagement but also helps to increase sales. In this article, we will share with you some of the best Facebook giveaway ideas for November that you can use to grow your business. Let’s get started!


In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become one of the most powerful tools for businesses to connect with their customers. Facebook is the biggest and most popular social media platform, with over 2.8 billion active users. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, having a strong Facebook presence is essential to your success. One of the best ways to increase your engagement and attract new customers is by hosting a Facebook giveaway. As we enter the holiday shopping season, hosting a Facebook giveaway in November can help you stand out from your competitors and boost your sales.

However, many businesses struggle to come up with ideas for a successful Facebook giveaway. In this article, we will share with you some of the best Facebook giveaway ideas for November that you can use to promote your business and engage with your audience.

Why Host a Facebook Giveaway in November?

November is the perfect month to host a Facebook giveaway because it’s the start of the holiday shopping season. It’s the time of year when people are looking for unique gifts and great deals. By hosting a Facebook giveaway, you can attract new customers, increase your engagement, and boost your sales.

Moreover, Facebook giveaways have proven to be an effective way to reach a wider audience. When users participate in a giveaway, they’re more likely to like, comment, and share the post, which helps to increase your reach and visibility.

Now that we’ve covered why it’s essential to host a Facebook giveaway in November let’s look at some of the best Facebook giveaway ideas for this month.

Facebook Giveaway Ideas for November

1. Thankful Giveaway

Show your gratitude to your audience by hosting a Thankful Giveaway. Ask your followers to share what they’re thankful for in the comments section to enter the giveaway. This will not only help to engage your audience but also create a positive and uplifting atmosphere on your Facebook page.

Prize: A basket of Thanksgiving goodies (turkey, pumpkin pie, etc.)
Entry: Comment what you’re thankful for
Duration: November 1-15

2. Holiday Gift Guide Showcase

Show off your products or services by hosting a Holiday Gift Guide Showcase. Ask your followers to share their favorite products from your business and why they would make great gifts. This will not only help to promote your products but also provide gift ideas for your followers.

Prize: A gift card to your business
Entry: Share your favorite product and why it would make a great gift
Duration: November 1-30

3. Black Friday Sweepstakes

Get your audience excited for Black Friday by hosting a sweepstakes. Ask your followers to share their Black Friday shopping plans and the deals they’re most excited about. This will help to create buzz around your business and attract new customers.

Prize: A shopping spree at your business
Entry: Share your Black Friday shopping plans and the deals you’re most excited about
Duration: November 15-30

4. Recipe Contest

Tap into the holiday spirit by hosting a recipe contest. Ask your followers to share their favorite holiday recipe using one or more of your products. This will help to promote your products and provide recipe ideas for your followers.

Prize: A cooking class with a famous chef
Entry: Share your favorite holiday recipe using one or more of our products
Duration: November 1-30

5. Referral Contest

Encourage your followers to spread the word about your business by hosting a referral contest. Ask your followers to refer their friends and family to your business for a chance to win a prize.

Prize: A weekend getaway
Entry: Refer your friends and family to our business
Duration: November 1-30

6. Holiday Caption Contest

Get creative with a holiday caption contest. Post a festive photo and ask your followers to come up with the best caption. This will help to engage your audience and provide a fun and lighthearted atmosphere on your Facebook page.

Prize: A personalized holiday gift basket
Entry: Come up with the best caption for our festive photo
Duration: November 1-30


1. How do I create a Facebook giveaway?

To create a Facebook giveaway, you can use a third-party app such as Woobox or Rafflecopter. These apps make it easy to create and manage your giveaway, track entries, and pick winners.

2. How long should my Facebook giveaway last?

The duration of your Facebook giveaway depends on the type of giveaway and the prize you’re offering. Typically, a Facebook giveaway lasts for 2-4 weeks.

3. How do I promote my Facebook giveaway?

You can promote your Facebook giveaway by sharing it on your Facebook page, website, email list, and other social media platforms. You can also use Facebook ads to reach a wider audience.

4. How do I choose a winner for my Facebook giveaway?

You can choose a winner for your Facebook giveaway using a third-party app, such as Woobox or Rafflecopter. These apps randomly select a winner from the pool of entries.

5. What should I include in the rules of my Facebook giveaway?

The rules of your Facebook giveaway should include the eligibility criteria, entry method, prize details, duration, and other important terms and conditions.

6. Can I ask my followers to like and share my Facebook giveaway post?

Yes, you can ask your followers to like and share your Facebook giveaway post, but it’s important to follow Facebook’s guidelines. You cannot ask people to share the post as a requirement for entry, and you cannot tag people in the post who are not actually in the photo or involved in the content.

7. How do I measure the success of my Facebook giveaway?

You can measure the success of your Facebook giveaway by tracking the number of entries, likes, comments, shares, and website traffic. You can also track sales and revenue during the giveaway period.

8. How do I make my Facebook giveaway stand out?

To make your Facebook giveaway stand out, make sure it’s relevant and valuable to your audience. Use eye-catching visuals and creative copy to capture your audience’s attention.

9. Can I host multiple Facebook giveaways at the same time?

Yes, you can host multiple Facebook giveaways at the same time, but it’s important to manage them properly and avoid overwhelming your audience.

10. What should I do after my Facebook giveaway ends?

After your Facebook giveaway ends, announce the winner, thank your audience for participating, and share the success metrics of the giveaway. You can also follow up with the winner and offer them a discount or special offer to encourage future purchases.

11. How often should I host a Facebook giveaway?

The frequency of your Facebook giveaways depends on your business goals and audience. You can host a Facebook giveaway once a month, once a quarter, or during special occasions or holidays.

12. What are the benefits of hosting a Facebook giveaway?

The benefits of hosting a Facebook giveaway include increased engagement, reach, visibility, and sales. It’s also a great way to attract new customers and promote your products or services.

13. What should I avoid doing when hosting a Facebook giveaway?

When hosting a Facebook giveaway, you should avoid violating Facebook’s guidelines, asking people to share the post as a requirement for entry, and setting unrealistic expectations for the prize or entry method. You should also avoid spamming your followers and neglecting to follow up with the winner.


Hosting a Facebook giveaway in November is a great way to grow your business and attract new customers. By using these creative and practical ideas, you can increase your engagement, reach, visibility, and sales. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of giveaways and track your success metrics to improve your strategy over time. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration for your next Facebook giveaway. Now, go out there and make some magic happen!

Take Action Now!

Ready to put these Facebook giveaway ideas into action? Head to your Facebook page and start planning your next giveaway today. Don’t forget to make it relevant, valuable, and creative to capture your audience’s attention. Remember, the key to success is to engage your audience, promote your products, and have fun!


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. We do not guarantee the results of your Facebook giveaway and cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses incurred. Always consult with a professional before making any business decisions.