Rev Up Your Christmas Contest Giveaway Copy Ideas with These Tips!

Are you planning a Christmas contest giveaway and need some fresh ideas for your copy? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with these tips and tricks for creating engaging and effective Christmas contest giveaway copy. From catchy headlines to compelling descriptions, this guide will give you everything you need to make your contest stand out during the holiday season.

Opening: ‘Tis the Season for Giveaways!

It’s that time of year again – Christmas is just around the corner, and businesses everywhere are gearing up for the holiday rush. For many companies, that means running a Christmas contest giveaway to attract new customers and engage with existing ones. But with so many contests out there, how can you make sure yours stands out? The answer is in your copy. Creating attention-grabbing headlines and descriptions is key to getting people excited about your contest and driving entries. So, whether you’re giving away a product, a gift card, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience, read on for our top tips on crafting Christmas contest giveaway copy that will get your audience buzzing!

Headlines That Sleigh

Your headline is the first thing people will see when they come across your contest, so it’s crucial to make it count. Here are some tips for creating a headline that captures attention:

1. Use Emojis

Emojis are a great way to make your headline stand out in a sea of text. They add visual interest, convey tone, and even save space. Plus, with so many holiday-themed emojis available, you’re sure to find one that fits your contest. Just be sure to use them sparingly, so they don’t lose their impact.

2. Make It Clear and Concise

Your headline should immediately communicate what your contest is about and what the prize is. Avoid using vague or cutesy language that might confuse people. Instead, be direct and to the point. For example, “Win a $500 Shopping Spree This Christmas!” is much clearer than “Get Your Holiday Shopping Done for Free!”

3. Use Action Words

Action words are verbs that inspire people to take action. They create a sense of urgency and excitement, which is exactly what you want for your contest. Some examples of action words include “Win,” “Score,” “Enter,” “Claim,” and “Unlock.”

Descriptions That Bring the Cheer

Your headline may grab attention, but your description is what will convince people to enter your contest. Here are some tips for creating a description that sells:

1. Use the Inverted Pyramid Structure

The inverted pyramid structure is a tried-and-true method of writing news articles that works just as well for contest descriptions. Essentially, you start with the most important information (the prize) and then work your way down to more general details. This way, people can quickly scan your description and get the gist of what your contest is about.

2. Use Persuasive Language

Persuasive language is language that aims to persuade or convince the reader to take action. In the context of a contest description, this means using words and phrases that create excitement and a sense of urgency. For example, “Don’t miss your chance to win!” or “Enter now for your shot at a once-in-a-lifetime prize!”

3. Highlight the Benefits

People enter contests because they want to win something – so make sure you’re highlighting the benefits of your prize. Will it save them money? Make their life easier? Give them an unforgettable experience? Whatever it is, make sure you’re emphasizing it in your description.

Table: Christmas Contest Giveaway Copy Ideas Cheat Sheet

Tip Description
Use Emojis Emojis add visual interest and convey tone.
Make It Clear and Concise Avoid vague or cutesy language; be direct and to the point.
Use Action Words Action words create urgency and excitement.
Use the Inverted Pyramid Structure Start with the most important information and work your way down.
Use Persuasive Language Use words and phrases that create excitement and a sense of urgency.
Highlight the Benefits Emphasize the benefits of your prize.


1. Can I Use Puns in My Contest Copy?

Yes, but use them sparingly. Puns can be a fun way to grab attention, but too many can come across as cheesy or unprofessional. Use them only if they fit with your brand and voice.

2. How Long Should My Contest Description Be?

Your description should be long enough to convey all the important details of your contest without being too wordy or overwhelming. Aim for around 100-200 words.

3. Should I Include Rules and Regulations in My Contest Copy?

Yes, it’s important to be transparent about the rules and regulations of your contest. This helps avoid confusion and ensures a fair contest for everyone.

4. Can I Use Humor in My Contest Copy?

Yes, but again, use it sparingly. Humor can be a great way to create a friendly and approachable tone, but too much can come across as unprofessional or insensitive. Use humor only if it fits with your brand and voice.

5. Should I Include Testimonials in My Contest Copy?

Testimonials can be a powerful way to build credibility and trust with your audience. If you have positive feedback from previous contest winners, consider including it in your copy.

6. Can I Use Hashtags in My Contest Copy?

Yes, hashtags can be a great way to increase visibility and engagement for your contest. Just be sure to use them sparingly and appropriately, and make sure they’re relevant to your contest.

7. How Often Should I Promote My Contest on Social Media?

It’s important to promote your contest regularly on social media to keep it top of mind for your audience. Aim for at least once a week, but don’t overdo it – you don’t want to come across as spammy or annoying.

8. Is It Better to Run a Short or Long Contest?

It depends on your goals and audience. Short contests (e.g. 1 week) can create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate entries, while longer contests (e.g. 1 month) can give you more time to promote and build buzz. Consider your audience’s attention span and engagement level when deciding on the length of your contest.

9. Should I Offer Multiple Prizes?

Offering multiple prizes can be a great way to increase excitement and give more people a chance to win. Just be sure to clearly communicate how many prizes there are and what they are.

10. Can I Partner with Another Business for My Contest?

Yes, partnering with another business can be a great way to expand your reach and attract new customers. Just be sure to clearly communicate the terms of the partnership and what each business is responsible for.

11. Should I Have a Landing Page for My Contest?

Yes, a landing page can be a great way to provide all the important details of your contest in one place and encourage entries. Make sure your landing page is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and mobile-friendly.

12. Can I Offer Extra Entries for Sharing on Social Media?

Yes, offering extra entries for sharing on social media can be a great way to increase visibility and engagement for your contest. Just be sure to clearly communicate the terms and requirements for sharing.

13. How Should I Choose a Winner?

There are several ways to choose a winner, depending on the type of contest you’re running. Some common methods include random selection, judging based on creativity or skill, or voting by the audience. Whatever method you choose, be sure to clearly communicate it in your contest rules.

Conclusion: Get Your Contest Sleighing!

There you have it – our top tips for Christmas contest giveaway copy ideas. By following these tips and tricks, you can create contest copy that grabs attention, builds excitement, and drives entries. Remember to be clear, concise, and persuasive in your copy, and to highlight the benefits of your prize. And don’t forget to promote your contest regularly on social media and other channels to maximize visibility. With these tips in your toolkit, you’re sure to sleigh your Christmas contest giveaway this holiday season!

Closing/Disclaimer: Spread the Joy, but Do It Responsibly

We love seeing businesses spread joy and cheer during the Christmas season, but we also want to remind you to do it responsibly. Make sure your contest complies with all relevant laws and regulations, and be transparent about the rules and requirements. And remember, the goal of your contest should be to create a positive experience for your audience, not to trick or deceive them. So, go forth and spread some holiday cheer – just make sure you’re doing it the right way!